About Us
Why Cobbled Streets?
Foster children are often required to travel rough and treacherous terrain – cobbled streets filled with perilous crevices, slippery slopes, and dark and unfamiliar places. It is a journey of profound trauma and challenge. This journey can be much less frightening if someone leads the way, holds their hand, brightens the path, and helps when they fall. This is Cobbled Streets.

Cobbled Streets provides children in foster and kinship care with the positive childhood experiences and relationships they need to thrive. By offering individualized experiences and enriching opportunities, we help mitigate the long-term impacts of trauma and adversity. These experiences allow foster children to begin to heal, create positive connections, and have a meaningful path to success. Inspired by the insight of Dan Heath in his book Upstream, our approach aligns with upstream thinking to promote foster children’s well-being and ensure healthy growth and development.

To inspire a more compassionate, trauma-informed foster care experience and eliminate the pipeline from foster care to homelessness.

Childhood the way it ought to be!
Cobbled Streets is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
EIN # 85-0607085